What's Your Type? 4 Brand New Personality Types And What It Means For You

What's Your Type? 4 Brand New Personality Types And What It Means For You

We all love a personality test, don't we? "Tell me who I am!" your inner voice screams. The need to understand ourselves - and what it means - seems so ingrained.

Exciting new research shows how the already-known 'Big 5' personality traits are commonly expressed together. Based on the interplay of questionnaire answers, the study categorises people into four new personality types.

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Inhalation bias: the real reason you can't give up smoking (and what you can do about it)

Inhalation bias: the real reason you can't give up smoking (and what you can do about it)

Do you enjoy smoking? Or still trying to quit?

I smoked a lot in my late-teens. I told everyone I loved it. I believed it. But it wasn't true.

A few years on, it was normal for my friends to ask, "are you smoking at the moment?". It was a running joke. Because I'd quit cold-turkey for a few weeks, then quickly be back chain-smoking in the pub garden. Like a human yo-yo.

But why?

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Candle-stick craft: what's really driving the decisions we make?

Candle-stick craft: what's really driving the decisions we make?

I love early mornings now.

Lucky, really. As I have little choice this weekend, sitting here on the train to LDN, enroute to the third module of my Master Practitoner training. (I'll be a certified NLP Ninja come November).

I'd love to tell you that last night was the sensible, textbook choice. Where I cut short what I was doing. Left early. Made space for a full recharge.

It wasn't though.

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