Current Showdown: The Underlying Cause Of Why You Get Frustrated (And How To Make Things Easier)

We all have those days. I know I do. But what about when it's

I often find it comes down to this:

Help with anger and frustration, Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Coaching Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes


I've spent a lot of my life angry or frustrated. Either at myself or my circumstances. "It shouldn't be like this" "I should be able to do that". Sure, goals and expectations can help hit the mark. Improve. Progress. But we easily miss an important first step:

Accepting where we are.

If we're stuck in traffic and expect it to be moving faster, we're resisting reality. Whether we're worried about being late, or just want to save time. It's resistance. The traffic isn't moving either way.

I stayed miserable in a job far too long because I resisted training further in my current role, or re-training elsewhere. I've stayed stuck in relationships that weren't working because I resisted the idea I might be the one who had to change.

When we're in a resourceful state of mind, obstacles feel like challenges. We get creative. Look for options. Problem-solve. But when fear and insecurity creep in, we close up. Things get black-and-white. And the options often reduce to avoidance and giving up. Or just doing the same but harder.

It took Thomas Edison 10,000 tries to create the lightbulb. But he kept trying different designs. He didn't just get frustrated by the same one failing to work.

Sometimes pushing on means discovering unexpected strength. And if it's a marathon or a mountain hike, it may make sense. But if it's a brick wall up ahead, the same strategy can quickly lead to pain, exhaustion, and feeling powerless.

"Why can't things be easier?"

Often they can. But we're quick to take our position as given. As being right. We look to the world outside to change. Which might seem obvious at first. When actually it's because it feels safer.

Change can be scary. It's uncertain. But taking a step back to get a better look at the wall, and how else we might progress, is usually a better plan than continuing to bash one's head against it.

Where is life feeling hard? What are you resisting?

And what would it mean to stop?

(Struggling with anger, frustration, or just with life being so bloody difficult at times? Cognitive Hypnotherapy in Leighton Buzzard can help you. Get in touch to learn how)